December 1, 2016

Watchface: Santa dressing

Walk everyday to dress (or dress up as) Santa Claus, a Xmas watch face for Pebble.

Santa dressing watchface - Pebble Time 2

Santa dressing watchface - Pebble 2

Santa dressing watchface - Pebble Time Round

Santa dressing watchface - Pebble Time / Time Steel

Santa dressing layout is inspired by my previous design of Hallows-win watch face, but improved, and adding two major features: "weather on the face" and "walk to dress".

Walk and each 10% of your step goal achieved, one step closer to complete the Santa's dressing, or your dress up as Santa. He is kind, so you only need the 50% of your step goal to complete the dress.

Santa dressing - Dynamic Xmas watchface for Pebble

Santa Claus face color shows the weather condition:

Santa dressing - a Christmas watchface by dP-watchfaces

...Yellow: clear night, Yellow/gray: partly cloudy night, Purple: thunderstorm, Brass: fog, Flesh: weather condition unknown.

And for the Pebble 2 with b/w display:

Santa dressing - a Christmas watchface by dP-watchfaces

For color display models, you can also set the background color, as well as customize all watch face elements colors (time, day, weather temperature, battery charge, step goal progress).

Watch face compatible with Pebble Time, Pebble Time Steel, Pebble Time Round, Pebble 2, and Pebble Time 2.

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